
Counseling Frequently Asked Questions

Registration Errors, Pre-requisite Clearances, and Submitting Petitions

Please review Registration FAQ regarding common concerns of students and how to submit information, so we can help you in the fastest way possible.

Closed-Select Waitlist from the drop-down menu to join Waitlist

  • As you attempt to register, please make sure to look at the far-left column of the schedule (if using the version on the front page through this icon,

to confirm the course is open. If you attempt to register for a course that is full, you will receive a message to add yourself to the waitlist, if that is an option. Please see the “Adding Yourself to a Waitlist Video” in our Tips and Resources section, if you are unsure how to add yourself to a wait list.

Time conflict with CRN

  • If you attempt to register for two classes that meet at the same time (whether in-person or synchronously online) the system will prevent you from registering for the second class that conflicts with the first class you’ve already registered for. The error message will list the CRN number of the course that conflicts with the one you are trying to register into. Review both courses and see if there is another section of either to register or drop and re-register as necessary so there is no longer a time conflict.

403 Forbidden

  • Usually this is an issue with the phone/tablet/computer being used. student’s computer. Often, you just have to log out, close all windows, and sign back in to resolve. If the problem persists, please contact

Cohort Restriction

  • This usually occurs when graduating HS students are still listed in our system as a current dual-enrollment HS student. Please email or with the reason you are emailing, your HS graduation date, your name, Solano Student ID #, and phone number.
  • This occurs when there is a pre-requisite for the course you are trying to register for. For Math 011, 012, 104 or English 001, please contact stating which course you need to be cleared for and provide an unofficial copy of your HS transcript, or if not available, the highest level of Math and/or English you passed with a C or better and your HS GPA. Also include your Solano Student ID# and phone number.
  • Classes taken at another school: If you are taking a class at Solano in which you took the pre-requisite for the course at another school, please email with your Solano ID#, your phone number, the course you are trying to take at Solano, a copy of your unofficial transcripts (noting which course on the transcript is what you think will be meet the Solano pre-requisite) and a copy of the course description (often found in the course schedule or course catalog) for the course you feel meets the pre-requisite at Solano. Failure Solano Community College – 707-864-7000 to include all of these important pieces of information will delay an answer from our Counselors.
  • This occurs when you are trying to sign up for a class with a required co-requisite course, usually English 001 with LR 010 (and sometimes English 310D). This can be cleared by making sure to put both (or all three) CRN numbers in the registration boxes next to each other when in the Add/Drop Class page. They must be submitted all at the same time. Also, make sure you have the correct CRN numbers typed in.

You have attempted to register for more than the maximum units and need to submit an Excess Load Petition (see Petition section below for more information). The maximum number of units a student can register for Spring/Fall is 20 or 12 units in Summer. For Special Admission (K-12) students the maximum units for Fall/Spring is 11.00 and 5.99 in summer.

Please complete an application (or re-apply if you have been away from Solano) at CCC Apply.

Repeat Petition

  • Maximum repeat is 3 attempts – the maximum number of attempts (this includes graded courses and any “W”) for a course at Solano is 3 times. You will need to take the course at another school.
  • Repeating courses you have passed with a “C” or better – repeating a course you have already passed at Solano is only available if you are transferring or attending a school in which they require or recommend a higher grade than you have obtained or the course was taken so long ago that you would like to repeat it as a refresher. Please include any information from the other school that would indicate repeating the passed course is required or recommended.

Excess Load Petition

  • Excess load petitions are needed: Spring/Fall more than 20 units, Summer more than 12 units.

Please note for HS Special Admission students, the maximum number of units for Summer is 5.99. Most courses are 3 units, so if you would like to take 2 classes over summer, you will need to submit an Excess load petition for .01 unit. Special Admission students who register for 12 or more units during fall/spring or for 6 or more units during the summer) must pay the enrollment fee for all units registered (not just the extra unit above the max). All other fees must be paid by both part-time and full-time Special Admission students (i.e. Health Center Fee, Student Center Fee.) When possible, please submit a copy of Solano Community College – 707-864-7000 your Special Admission Form along with the Excess Load petition for full understanding of the courses you want to take. Submit to

Special Admission (K-12) Petition

  • When possible, please use the fillable version in the A&R Forms section. Please have all K12 signatures prior to submitting. Please submit to if student is in 9th grade or above. If below 9th grade, please submit to
  • Special Admission students who register for 12 or more units during fall/spring or for 6 or more units during the summer) must pay the enrollment fee for all units registered. An Excess Load Petition is also required to go above the listed unit maximum (ie. Max over summer is 5.99, if taking two 3-unit classes you will need an Excess Load Petition). When possible, please submit the Special Admission Form and the Excess Load petition together.


Choosing Classes and Setting Education Goals

Videos and Handouts on Registering, Picking Classes, Nursing Program and More!

Please see below for videos and handouts on how to pick class, how to register for classes, how to get on a waitlist, how to pick and educational goal, and more!